I've been struggling with the tench of late with a number of blank sessions under my belt on a few different venues, so I've have had a far amount of time on my hands to ponder things in angling including the Angling Trust, Environment Agency and ofcourse our current Government.
The Angling Trust was setup to be the voice of angling when required, but they seem to now to just simply like the sound of their own voice and are happy to take the credit for others work.
The Environment Agency are the ones stuck between a rock and a hard place, the simply do not have the funds or the man power to deal with the countless issues including enforcement, fishery work and protecting the environment. And finally, the Government, but its the UK's fault for voting them in!
The final issue or gripe I have is the current crop of magazines on the market, what pile of pissh!
If angling bloggers were to adopt the same principles, we'd write like this.
It was a gloomy lunchtime when I left the David Wilson home and drove to to the pond in the Suzuki SX4 Crossover.
I walked to the swim with the gear along with the Detania collie cross dog in tow who was happy chasing birds, bumblebee's and bunnies along the path.
Once in the swim, I proceed to setup the Drennan Super Specialist Twist landing net, Harrison Chimera tench rods which have Shimano DL4000FA reels attached and place them on the Delkims alarms and Gardner rod rests.
The Van Den Eyne Expro grounbait lased with Gladwell maggots, ASDA value sweetcorn and home cooked hemp was mixed, allowed to dry and Spomb-ed out using the Fox spod rod.
The first rig out was a Fox inline lead, coupled with a Drennan Super Specialist braided 8lb hooklink and Drennan Super Specialist size 12 hook, baited with three grains of the ASDA value sweetcorn and enclosed in a Fox PVA easy loader PVA bag filled with Gladwells coarse micro pellets.
The second rigs consisted of a Drennan inline maggot feeder with a Shimano hooklink and Drennan super specialist hook which was also cast out to the Spomb baited area.
With the two rods out, it was time to enjoy a cup of PG tips and a snack bar (forgot the make).
The third and final rig was a float rod and I was testing out the Drennan series 7 13' Tench and Specimen Float rod, which was a birthday presnt.
I noticed that Middy 4AAA float was slightly lifting and had hopes that a tench was in the margins feeding on the baited area. Also it proved to be nothing.
Baring the presence of a minature pike and along of tadpole which it was happy feeding on that was the most action I saw for the next 6hrs.
Might have to take up golf!
You're getting as cynical as me in your dotage ;)
ReplyDeleteJust getting fed up with all the current mags and their shameless plugs!